
четвртак, 3. децембар 2020.

Life in Germany(first blog)

The first blog is a short text about my opinion about Germany about life in it.

 This is my first blog, so don't mind if it's not done well. In any case, the goal of my blog is to present Germany and life in it to people who come as well as to help my fellow medics find it easier at work.  that in this first blog, I will only introduce you to it on occasion.

 My experience in Germany mostly pulls on the positive side. Basically, people here have their own rules and if you respect those rules and the people around you can live very nicely in any case at least 70% better than in our beloved Serbia.  to belittle our country or ours, but that regime and policy that makes us flee to foreign countries and long for a normal life.
 I responsibly claim that whoever comes to a foreign and organized country such as Germany, Austria, Switzerland, etc., and if he does his best, not only can he live normally, but he can do much more.
 I came here with a medical high school and I work in a hospital. It's great for me personally. The salary is 5 times higher than in Serbia, while the costs are more or less similar to Serbia. Here, only your apartment is expensive and it ranges from 500 to  1000 euros, depending on whether you want a one-bedroom two-bedroom or more. I currently live in an apartment rented by my clinic and it is quite a cheap two-bedroom apartment of 35 square meters, which costs me 300 euros a month.

 As for groceries in supermarkets, the price is exactly the same as in Serbia, even some groceries are cheap and some are a few dinars (cents) more expensive.

 Briefly so much from me in this blog, while in the following I will try to focus directly on some things that might interest you.

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